Chuck Jones Galleries ComicCon@Home was 5 days of great interviews, amazing art work and just an all out hilarious ride.
I had the great pleasure of playing Robin to Craig Kausen’s Batman for the incomparable Linda Jones Creative SIdeChat on Wednesday. Craig and I co-hosted on Thursday our tribute to Stan Lee with Marvel Fine Art Publisher Ari Goldman and phenom artist and friend Tim Rogerson and we get to nerd out on Marvel! Friday it was the legendary Fabio Napoleoni who could be my new bestie and let me tell you, this guy is not only incredibly talented but to hear him talk about all the thought that goes into his work is down right inspirational. Saturday we hung out with one of the last surviving members of Chuck Jones animation crew, Willie Ito! From his time at a Japanese internment camp during WWII to his start with Disney, work with Chuck and passion project Hello Maggie that has sold over 25,000 copies and is not becoming an animated film. Then they let this clown be the spotlight on Sunday….lol. My good friend Andy Turner turned the tables on me as I became subject of the final ComicCon@Home Creative SideChat with 6 new releases including one new limited edition as well as two WIP paintings I got to show. Check out all the Creative SideChat’s here and please check out all these guys amazing work for purchase at I’ve made their names the links to their catalog pages.